About The Risk

No investment is risk free. Look at the stock market. It can wipe 20% off your stock value in a matter of weeks. What we offer is a solid return for a given amount of risk.

Banks Do It
Private lending has the same risks that banks take lending money on real estate. The only difference is that the borrower will only borrow up to 70% of the After Repair Value (ARV). We use the same doumentation that banks use to secure the loan. At the closing the lender will receive a mortgage document, a promissory note, title insurance, hazard insurance for the real estate and we also complete a UCC-1 to file the transaction with the State of Connecticut.

What happens if the borrower doesn't remain current with the interest payments?
This is dealt with the same way a bank deals with the situation. If the borrower defaults on the loan then the lender can foreclose on the property. Because there is at least 30% equity in the real estate we invest in, the real estate typically covers the loan once the property is sold.

Who Is Not Right For These Investments?
Someone unable to feel comfortable with the risk outlined above. As we have explained above, the investment is secured by real estate with 30% equity. This does not make it risk free. If a foreclosure happens, the investor can potentially end up with a lot more than they invested once the property is sold. Please note that by this time, the property would have been completely renovated.

You need the money invested back soon. We are looking to hold the money for at least a year and on some properties, from 3-5 years. If you require your money sooner, then this isn't an investment for you.

You are looking for a huge windfall. We provide a great rate of return against reasonable risk. We are not a get rich quick scheme. We want our investors to invest again and again with us.

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